4 Behavioral Types From How to Mind-Read Your Customers

I read an interesting book about understanding the behaviors of people to better sell them. It was:
How to Mind-Read Your Customers
by David P. Snyder

Its premise is if you understand the psychology behind how a person acts you can then serve them better by working with them on their terms.

Interestingly, he suggested that you can most clearly understand the behavior type of a person by seeing how they act under stress. So, if you find a person who yells and is rude when he is under stress you know he is probably mostly a Driver.

Everyone has parts of all these traits. But there is usually one dominant one.

I found in the book that I had to compile all of the traits by taking notes throughout the book. So, that’s what I’ve done here for you here:
There are four types:
Driven (called Drivers)

The first two are “Dynamic” or extroverted. And the last two are “Discerning” or Introverted.


Dynamic (extroverted – people who are Drivers and Influential/Sociable) people traits

edgy, jumpy, overactive, very tense, too bubbly. Easily bored. Can appear extroverted, full of energy and have the appearance of friendliness.

Common negative emotional style: Anger
Lack of diplomacy

Driven people will be smoldering, aggravated. They are fundamentally insecure. Have a greater need to prove themselves. Continually need to prove their self worth or their superiority. They need others to view them as more powerful, more important and busier than anyone else. Moves fast, talks fast. Involved in many things. An entrepreneur. Doesn?t waste time. Talks most about is own ideas. Appears edgy and fidgety. Most driven people have had some sort of pivotal experience or set of experiences that accelerated and cemented their determination which then became the predominant aspect of their behavioral style. For example, many CEO types started out in poverty.

Calming: Let them know that you are going to make his life a whole lot easier and less stressful. Let them know that you realize how busy and important they are and that you are going to make his life more effective and efficient.

How to sell them: You must remain cheerful, non-emotional, direct and firm. They will always be trying to test your emotional strength from the moment you walk in the room. Because Driven people are fundamentally insecure, they need you to let them know that you know how busy and important they are and how valuable their time is. Driven people have needs beyond the scope of you product. They not only need to know that your product will make everything in their business or personal life more efficient and effective ? especially cost effective ? they also need to know that yet another person out there in the world has just recognized their supreme importance and ultimate high value to the global economy at large and the fate of the galaxy. You cannot appear cowering or meek. You must always present yourself as a worthy adversary.
View this interaction as a game of chess where you play your very best game right up to the very end. At the very least, find a way to call it a stalemate. When you walk into the driven person?s office, you should carry yourself like a three star general. Just don?t forget who the four star general is.
Use the word ?Option? instead of ?Alternative?

Influential/Sociable People
Team player
Creative problem solver
Common negative emotional style: Overly emotional, needy
(Sage: probably ?exuberant?)
Too trusting
Situational listener
Poor with details

Influential/Sociable will have artificial smile slightly facetious. Motivated by a profound need to be liked and be part of the ?in crowd?. More than anything else they want to be popular and appreciated. They want to be included. They also move fast but are characterized by friendliness. Can be ?chameleons? ? too adaptive. They enjoy chatting and take pleasure in hearing other people?s stories often shaking their head with approval, empathy and understanding. They listen very carefully to other people and they take notes on what they hear.

They exude friendliness
They can get to other people?s levels very quickly.
They portray a strong interest in other people?s opinions and tastes.
They have a strong desire to fit in and be liked.
They have their finger on the pulse of society.

They can be anything to anybody. They can change their personality at the speed of light. Exaggerated sociability usually leads most people to distrust you profoundly.Calming: Let them know that you appreciate and value them and that your service will help define them as a leader and make them better respected and well-liked among colleagues.

How to sell them: The rule of rules: The very first thing you have to do with them is let them know you like them and would like to be their friend ? and their potential friendship will mean more to you than business. Keep things light, fun and full of spark. Ask them many questions about themselves. They live to bond. They gravitate towards innovative, new and cutting-edge products. Show them how your product will increase their reputation as leaders. They like ideas that are new, yet are proven to be reliable and effective and the best alternative. Use the word ?Alternative? instead of ?Option?.

Sociable people abhor the hard sell. Become friends first. Show enthusiasm. Their greatest insecurity and concern is that other people do not appreciate or recognize what they have done to help other people and to promote their companies. Emphasize the cutting edge, and the future. Get them to talk about themselves. Name drop. Find out what their dreams are and encourage them.

Discerning(Introverted)They are careful. They care about accuracy, details, truth, credentials, about being careful. They are a slow and cautious buyer. They are suspicious of strangers. Do not appear flashy. Do not be too chatty and no jokes. Talk very slowly and project carefulness. They are observant and scrutinizing. They need facts, figures, proof, and assurance of your professional expertise. They are a hard sell. Most corporate buyers are discerning.

Steady and sincere
Patient and empathetic
Logical thinker
Extremely hard working
Community oriented.
Family oriented
Common negative emotional style: Non-emotional/apathetic
Too passiveResists change
Poor with priorities

They are extremely patriotic and moral. They tend not to develop business relationships with people who do not have a high code of ethics and morality. So you must have honor, morality, ethics, standards and patriotism. They are extremely diligent and methodical. They cannot be stopped. Under stress they become slow and stubborn. They are indestructible. They have a severe work ethic and are dependable and friendly. They are the ?salt of the earth?. These are the people from the ?heartland of America?. They are the red states.
They are very loyal. They will stick to a project until it gets done, no matter how long it takes. They become unexpressive, non-emotional, inflexible, possessive and territorial. They develop grudges.

How to sell them: They have high standards for customer service. They expect respect and honesty. Treat your customers like you would treat your family. They hate slick salesmen, dishonesty, deceit. You must mean what you say and say what you mean. Be patient. Develop a sense of trust. Show integrity and a work ethic. Demonstrate your loyalty to the business. Stick with traditional approaches. Link family whenever possible. Provide lots of proof. Don?t be arrogant. Show sincerity. The basic rule is to emphasize the added security or safety that will result form their timely purchase. Don?t pressure. Let them know they won?t have to make additional purchases. Discuss track record. They like to buy from neighbors. Be genuine. Don?t go too fast. Don?t be overly friendly or ?schmoozy?. Allow repeat visits. Don?t criticize others. Just be sincere, genuine and demonstrate that you are a hard worker and that you will be honest and loyal.

Careful and thorough
Objective and clear
Has high standards
Good analyzer
Obsessive about quality, accuracy and details.
Common negative emotional style: Fearfulness
Display obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Become overly controlling.

Most buyers, lawyers, surgeons, police officers and accountants are conscientious. They are suspicious, critical, judgmental, analyzing, dissatisfied, and nitpicky. They are extremely critical but are actually quite humble. They are somewhat impatient with the rest of humanity. Most people who are running the show are usually careful, humble types. They expect you to care about the same things they care about. They move slow and appear less agitated than the dynamic person. They tend to be forgiving of other?s faults. They are tolerant and compassionate ? but they still have very high standards.

How to sell them: They are bothered by willful ignorance. You want them to feel safe and to trust you. You can only motivate them by toning down your level of enthusiasm. Give the feeling that everything is proceeding in a calm, controlled, careful and orderly fashion. You must be ethical. They cannot feel pressured to make decisions. The service must help improve accuracy, precision and efficiency. You must maintain an aura of strict business. They love the word ?Clarify?. That word must come out of your mouth. Don?t try to talk about friends or family or social groups. Stick to business. Do not touch them. Do not laugh or smile too much. Be factual and prepared.

So there you have it. Now you too can be a customer mind reader.

If you thought this was useful and are interested in this book, would you consider buying it on Amazon through the link below? It will help cover some expenses. Thanks 🙂