Category: Journal

  • Spend Less Time Patting Yourself On The Back

    Spend Less Time Patting Yourself On The Back

    Here’s an email I woke up to this morning: As someone that serves in this community, i would like to invite you to please spend less time patting yourself on the back and more time helping people make things work. Praying for a softening of your heart honey 🙂 I think it’s a good time…



    We are having a pretty intense conversation in my family right now about topics that maybe are better left unsaid. In this case I had mentioned that maybe my son and his cousin (a girl) should get together. Everyone was mortified. (I will admit that I do love a provocative conversation. A good shock to…

  • 1979, When I Was 7

    1979, When I Was 7

    I doubt I’ll ever write an autobiography. It’s like masturbating and asking people to watch. It’s just a weird exercise for people who probably spent their entire lives looking for approval through some action they did. I’m not saying that I’m not one of those guys. I certainly am. But an autobiography just feels too…

  • How I became a homeless activist

    How I became a homeless activist

    My son, who is currently 16, asked me why I no longer run a marketing firm with a bunch of employees. At our peak we had about 16 employees and, as Wikipedia reports accurately, we were generating about $1.5 million in sales. (please keep in mind that top line revenue has nothing to do with…

  • Personal Note on where to focus

    Personal Note on where to focus

    One of the reasons I love chaos and intense situations is because everything becomes so clear to me. The next step is as clear as day. So you just do that step and then the next step presents itself. I never feel more alive and useful than when I’m in chaos. Getting to help Spring…

  • Journal Entry Sunday January 15 2017

    Journal Entry Sunday January 15 2017

    ​I continually question my lack of focus.  SageRock Rubber City Auctions The Homeless Charity Sage and Friends Podcast The Tools Show My defense is that I’m transitioning and want to test the viability of these items.  The truth is that I bore easily. Doing a lot of things keeps my attention.  Either way: the homeless…

  • Journal Entry – Sunday, January 8 2017 7:43am

    Journal Entry – Sunday, January 8 2017 7:43am

    I’m not a great journal keeper. I have sometimes written thoughts in Evernote. But it’s very erratic. That said, I really believe in its usefulness. Your mind is a terrible place to sort out thoughts. My constant, ongoing thought is on business. It’s a game that I’m always looking to win. I question the longevity…